Woohoo!! I weighed myself today! And it was good news!! I don't remember when I last weighed myself, I know it's been about a month, maybe less. I was up at oma & opa's and actually remembered to use their scale. )It goes higher than mine.) At first, it looked like I had gained like 20 lbs, but I was reading it off the reflection in the stove while trying to hide it from my mother. I don't exactly want her to see the number. She knows it's a lot and that's all she needs to know. So I waited for her to leave the kitchen and wieghed myself again. I was shocked when I saw the number! I almost squeeled with joy! Just to double check that maybe I had been standing on the scale wrong, I weighed myself again. It was the same both times. I have lost 9 lbs since the last time I weighed myself! So exciting!! I didn't really think that I had lost anything because I can't feel it in my clothes yet. But that's good, I know I'm on the right track with what I'm doing! It makes me so happy!! I think what makes it the best is that I'm doing this all by myself! No help from anyone! I mean besides the moral support. No one has forced me into this, or is paying for me to be on a diet plan, I'm doing it all on my own, and all for me! I'm so happy that it's working! I think what's really helping is that I'm starting off slow. Even though it wasn't my original plan, I feel better knowing that I'm being succesful without trying super duper hard. This means that as I continue it will only get easier. I think another fantastic part of it is that I haven't cut out ANYTHING!! I still eat my chocolate, chips, pizza, etc. The only difference is now instead of eating a whole bunch of chocolate, I have a moderate portion. Same thing with pizza and chips. Before I could eat a whole large pizza by myself, then I could eat a whole medium, now I can still eat half a medium, but I'm working on eating less. I definatley think my stomach has shrunk. I can't eat a whole ton of stuff anymore, and I'm glad. I'm not sure why it's shrunk, but I'm just thankful it has.
Ok, so now on to some other stuff. I finally made it to costco today & got my vitamins. So, right now, I am going to be taking in the morning, my multivitamin, 2 glucosamine, 2 omega 3 gelcaps, and my 2 focus factor. Then during another meal, I will be taking 2 omega 3 gelcaps and 2 more focus factor. One thing I have learned is that you have to eat your vitamins with food. So I will be taking the larger packet with breakfast, and the other one either at lunch or dinner. I haven't decided yet. I also got my organic green tea. To help boost my metabolism, I have to drink 3 cups of organic green tea a day. I just have to remember to have one at breakfast, one at lunch and one with dinner, or before I leave for work. Green tea is one of those ones that I can do without sugar, so if I need it to be sweeter, I can add some honey to it. I'm hoping that once the vitamins start kicking in I'll have more energy and be able to get up at 4:30 in the morning and go for that walk or something. The bonus thing is that since it will be dark, I can run if I want to. I know I can't run very well, but it would be dark, so it's ok :)
So I guess that's my update for now I'm just so excited, 9 lbs!! I don't think I've ever done that without being sick. Now that I know what I'm doing is working, I can start being a little more intentional with it. Well, not really intentional, becasue I've been making and effort from the begginig, that's the word. I can start making more of an effort. I have this awesome little journal I got at micheal's for $1 that I can use as a journal to keep track of everything. Also, I've decided not to look at this as a diet, but as a lifestyle change becasue that's exactly what it is. I'm not dieting, I'm making a lifestyle change. Makes it sound better to. :)
Well, I'm tired so I'm going to take this oppertunity to go to bed early, well, maybe watch something on hulu while I lay in bed. :)
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