Thursday, September 9, 2010

What a Wednsday!!

Well, not really, it was just a normal ordinary day. I did start off pretty lazy though. I was glad to be able to get my daughter off to school though, I made her french toast for breakfast, I also had 2 peices, mine had home made blackberry syrup on it, yummy! I sent her off to school with a snack for when she got hungry. Once she was safely on the bus I headed to do my homework, well, I kinda didn't do my homeowrk. I was busy playing on Facebook, and falling asleep at the computer. I'm not very good at this motivational thing am I..... I also updated my Blogs a little bit then I had to head up to Oma & Opa's to give Oma her bath. I'm getting pretty good at it and it's going faster. I know they would have liked for me to stay a little longer, but I needed to get back home and REALLY work on my homework. So I came straight home, and what did I do....... you guessed it, not my homework. Played on freaking Facebook some more, and surfed the Craftster web forms a little too. But I only did that for about 30 mins, then I started in on my homework.

I got my script to labels that were due yesterday done, thankfully!  I had totally forgotten about them over the weekend.  A mistake I won't make again, I assure you!  But I got them turned in today.  Today was a good day at school though.  Participated lots!  Tried to answer questions I didn't know, answered some corectly to. :)  Tomorrow it going to be a full day of school work.  The only thing I have to do really, is go to the bank for oma.

As for that diet thing I'm trying to do, well I did ok today.  I even took the stairs in the parking garage at school.  Ok, it's only because I found a parking spot close to the stairs instead of one that was by the elevator.  It was 4 flights of stairs, but they're the small ones, so I guess you could consider it 2, I was parked on the 2nd floor.  But I took them with my book bag which has to weigh an extra 30 lbs with those books in it.  I was proud of myself for not being lazy and finding one closer to the elevator.  I did have a few pieces of candy :(  Shame on me!  I had a milkyway at school, a resse's and a small snack milky way this morning.  Lunch I didn't do to bad.  I had a sandwhich with whole grain bread, and organic on top of that :)  It was turkey, but the processed stuff, I can't afford the good stuff.  I also had some Ruffles sour cream & onion chips and some water.  But I only had a small bowl.  They were left over from camping, I won't buy more once their gone.  I also ate an apple as a snack after breakfast.  Dinner wasn't too bad.  We had BBQ pork chops, small amount of rice and some steamed veggies with butter and cheese on them.  I steamed some broccoli & zucchini.  Munchkin likes broccoli with cheese, so I don't  mind making it that way for her.  Then I already confessed to the milkyway at school, and once I got home, I was kinda hungry so I had a granola bar.  Now I just need to plan what I'm going to make for breakfast tomorrow for Munchkin.  Eggs are her favorite, so maybe I will make her a turkey bacon omelette.  I think she'd like that, I hope anway.  Something different for her, and it will hopefully hold her until lunch.  Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and it should be the biggest.  But with dinner being the only meal that Jeff eats, sometimes big dinners are hard to avoid, but I'm working on it.  Going to cut back on the meat and do more veggies.

Now that I'm all nice and sleepy, it's time for bed.  Don't want to not get up in the morning.  Munchkin gets upset when I don't get up to get her off to school, and then I spend the whole day being angry and irritated at myself for being to lazy to get up!

So good night, and happy hump-day!! :)

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